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Aiming to Achieve Zero Nuclear Weapons and Power

— 2012 World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs – Hiroshima —

Upholding the theme, “For a Peaceful, Just and Nuclear Weapon-Free World,” the 2012 World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs was held from August 4 to 6, in Hiroshima. The conference was sponsored by the Organizing Committee of the World Conference. Representing Min-Iren, 1,566 workers and members of its Kyodo-soshiki, affiliate organizations from across Japan took part in the conference programs.
On August 4, the Opening Plenary was held at Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center. The large arena was filled with 6,800 participants.
The conference was held against the background of the ongoing efforts to bring under control the effects of radiation from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Prof. Tomida Koji of Kwansei Gakuin University, the Chair of the Drafting Committee of the International Meeting, in his keynote report on behalf of the organizer called on the participants to create a future in our joint efforts, which will not allow any more nuclear victims to be created.
On August 5, 14 different workshops were held. The author attend the workshop, “Youth Forum: Learning /Dialogues and Visits to Hibakusha.” Participants in the workshop had an opportunity to visit the area where the Hibakusha lived, and listened intently to the testimonies by the Hibakusha. The moderator of the workshop urged the participants to organize meetings in their own areas to hear the stories of the Hibakusha living in their communities.

Evening forum of Min-Iren participants
An exchange forum of Min-Iren was held in the evening of August 5, where 426 Min-Iren workers took part and reported their peace activities in different parts of Japan. Form Hokkaido, Mr. Mochizuki Makoto of Doto Workers Medical Association reported on the anti-nuclear peace bike tour. He also stated that his association holds an annual forum to meet their counterparts in Okinawa Min-Iren, where they deepen their understanding of peace. A representative from Kanagawa reported about their peace seminars. From Fukui, a report was made on their struggle to stop the restart of Oihara Nuclear power Plant.
A music band Gracias, made up of Hiroshima Min-Iren staff, played songs, including “In the country of Hiroshima.” They were joined by the audience on the stage in the finale, where they sang together with their arms around each other, and pledged their united effort for the abolition of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.

Appeals from Fukushima
On August 6, 7,200 people joined in the Closing Plenary of the World Conference. Mayor Baba Tamotsu of Namie Town of Fukushima Prefecture spoke in front of the large audience. Namie Town, a neighboring community of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, has been designated as the caution zone since the nuclear disaster and all the townspeople are still forced to live in exile.
In his first appearance at the World Conference, Mayor Baba spoke about the hardship of Namie citizens, who have no clear prospect on when they can return to their home. He said that research or development of nuclear weapons for the self-interest of nuclear power states should be abandoned and Japan’s energy policy should be changed. He stressed that we must not just pray for peace, but take action to bring a world peace into reality by taking active part in the discussion.
A group of high school students from Fukushima appealed from the stage, saying, “We were forced to leave home and change schools with a feeling of guilt towards our hometown. We need no nuclear arms or nuclear power for our future.”
Ms. Angela Kane, UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs took part in the World Conference for the first time. She said, “The UN is your partner. The total elimination of nuclear weapons is the only absolute guarantee against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. You are on the right side of history and you have many supporters throughout the world,” and was welcomed with big and warm applause by the participants.

For zero nuclear weapons and power
The World Conference adopted the resolution, “Appeal from Hiroshima.” It called for the following activities: To develop the international signature campaign for the “Appeal for a Total Ban on Nuclear Weapons”, and other anti-nuclear movements, including for the removal of nuclear arms and denuclearization in each country and region; To promote solidarity and joint efforts with all the nuclear victims; To achieve a shift from depending on nuclear energy to the use of renewable energy.
In the closing part of the conference, Kumiko, the singer, led the chorus by all the participants in the arena to sing, “We can link together,” which she composed in the aftermath of the great earthquake disaster. The grand chorus concluded all the programs of the World Conference against A and H Bombs-Hiroshima.

*   *   *

This World Conference also helped me consolidate my determination to work harder in the movement to bring all nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants to zero.

(Article by Ueda Kaede, National Staff of Min-Iren. Photos by Hirota Noritake)

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